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Emily truly cares for the planet and helps others to care too.

She promotes a kind of optimistic activism which is a breath of fresh air.

Matt Haig
New York Times Bestselling Author
(The Midnight Library, A Boy Called Christmas)

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The book we all need right now... 

(Well, we might've needed it yesterday to
be honest, but at least it's here now!) 

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When it comes to political, social, and environmental anxieties, we have a veritable smorgasbord to choose from, don’t we? We’re polarised and politicised and many of us are feeling exhausted, battered and broken. Not only have we got our own personal life stuff to deal with, but it's all against backdrop of the world, seemingly, falling apart. It's no wonder that a lot of people feel like they’re losing hope in the chaos. But now, more than ever, we need hopeful, helpful people who are engaged in the fight for a better future (it also wouldn't go astray if they actually enjoyed their lives along the way!). So, how do we get our spark back? 


The solution to losing hope is the

simple decision to keep choosing hope.

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Hope is a Verb is an exquisite visual handbook for transforming anxiety about the world into meaningful action, delivered through illustrations, prose, flow charts and infographics: a gift book for an era of global anxiety


When the world feels uncertain, we need hope, humour and meaningful action. Emily's debut book is the beautifully simple solution for not only how to rekindle your hope and create change but how to stay sane while doing it.


Through this creative guidebook, readers will work to live in alignment with their values, examine their relationships with the planet and their community, and be inspired to act, both in their personal life and collectively. 


Emily Ehlers, creator of the cult favorite Instagram account @ecowithem, offers the following six-step process that reframes the current global mood as an invitation to realize change, rather than dwell in despair.


  • Step One: Stop Freaking Out

  • Step Two: Change the Story

  • Step Three: Set Your Inner Compass

  • Step Four: Own Your Power

  • Step Five: Just Start

  • Step Six: Find Your People


Using her experience as an environmental activist, Emily offers ways for readers to change their perspective as a path to overcome challenges and create a better future. 

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Christmas deliveries* must be placed before 12pm, 8th December, 2021.
Signed copies, with FREE option for handwritten personalised message from Em. 
*Australian deliveries only 


Kristy Rutman

Brown Girl Green

Environmental Media Host, Speaker, Activist


Brooke McAlary

Slow Home Podcast

Podcast Host, Author, Slow Living Expert


Mirna Valerio

"The Mirnavator"

Ultra Runner, Adventurer, Author

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Briony Benjamin


Speaker, Author, Viral Content Creator

"This book truly has been a grounding read the past few months when I want to cry + shut everything off."

"Em is a genuine delight of a human + this book is the perfect, hope-filled extension of her. Its ripples are going to be POWERFUL.

"This book is a good one, and very germaine to the times we are living in"

"I devoured this wonderful book! Great if you're needing a bit of hope right now"

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Emily Ehlers is an author, illustrator and environmentalist, with a loud laugh and an uncanny knack for sparking hope. As the pun-loving creative behind the beloved Instagram account @EcoWithEm_ , she shares ideas and illustrations that focus on planetary health, human happiness and the massive overlap between the two. 


Emily is best known for finding light in the heaviest of issues and inspiring people to do good things in the world. An accidental mental health advocate, Em rebels against the social-media driven obsession with perfection and talks openly about her own inner world (which is ever-so ADHD).  


Emily’s art is virally-shared on social media and she writes for Peppermint Magazine. She regularly collaborates on campaigns and has worked with NatGeo + SodaStream. Her work has been featured on Forbes, Buzzfeed, 1 Million Women + she was named one of Coca Cola’s Feel Good Follows for 2021. 

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© Emily Ehlers of Eco with Em 2019. All rights reserved.

Designed by Emily Ehlers + created with

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